Local Natives

Check out Local Natives.  Their album “Gorilla Manor” is really fantastic.  We saw them open for Arcade Fire, it was really nice.  Didn’t know much about them before that.  But, they’re great.  Watch these videos for their songs called “Airplane” and “Who Knows Who Cares”.

Jejune Stars

Bright Eyes on Letterman

When I’m Small

Video for “When I’m Small” by Phantogram.

You Are a Tourist

This post features the latest from Death Cab for Cutie.  It is a video that is unique in concept.  The video for You Are a Tourist was shot live and streamed to the world wide web simultaneously.  So pretty much just a jazzed up live performance filmed to look like a music video.  But it’s great nonetheless.  The video required a great deal of coordination and skill from all who participated.  The video looks great for just being done in one take.  Hope you enjoy.  The new Death Cab disc will be available legally May 31st and illegally probably much sooner than that.